Māoriland Rangatahi Film Festival

E Tū Whānau Rangatahi Film Awards

Maui Adventures: Capturing The Sun - Te Ao Pohewa

Jarli - Te Ao Pūmau
The Māoriland Rangatahi Film Festival presents films for and by rangatahi (young people).
Rangatahi and schools may enter the MRFF by koha.
Registrations are required.
To book your kura, school or rangatahi roopū to attend the MRFF:
email us at kura@maorilandfilm.co.nz

Who Sneezed - Te Ao Pohewa

Kikino Kids - Te Ao Pohewa

E Tū Whānau Rangatahi Film Awards
10:00 AM, Thursday 16 March
Māoriland Hub
The premiere of films made by rangatahi aged 12-25 at Māoriland Rangatahi-led filmmaking workshops across Aotearoa. Prizes will be awarded to Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor and many more.
Te Ao Pohewa
11:45 AM, Thursday 16 March
Memorial Hall
Te Ao Pohewa is the dream world, we will cater to the dreams and playfulness of our tēina with this programme.
This programme has been selected by Ngā Pakiaka – Māoriland Rangatahi Film Leadership Group for young people of all ages.
Films in Programme:
Enaanzowaad Awesiinyag
Kikino Kids
Star Sailors
Maui Adventures: Capturing The Sun
Ako For Niños: King Tupac
Who Sneezed

1:30 pm, Thursday 16 March
Memorial Hall
Commissioned by Te Wananga o Raukawa these six reo Maori retellings of famous fairytales were animated by the rangatahi team at the Maoriland (ahi) tech creative hub M.A.T.C.H
Jason-Bob Egdell-Ropata, Taniko Tapine, Turanga Mahutonga, Michael Koro Hikaka Takei Wira-Henare, Jayde Ropata and supported by Eric Creswell and Maaka Gair-Houia and produced by Libby Hakaraia.
Nga Poaka e Toru (3 little pigs) Nga Pirikoti e Toru (3 billygoats gruff), Hinarata (Cinderella) Hukama (Snow white) Huriwhero (Little Red Riding Hood) Kouraraka (Goldilocks)
Te Ao Pūmau
9:45 AM, Friday 17 March
Memorial Hall
Te Ao Pūmau – Pūmau refers to something everlasting and truthful, our tuākana programme is the bridge between reality and fantasy worlds.
This programme has been selected by Ngā Pakiaka – Māoriland Rangatahi Film Leadership Group for high school aged young people.
Films in Programme
Plastic – A love letter to the estranged
Atali’i o Le Crezent
He Karu He Taringa
Beneath the Surface
Whitey and Te Putiputi
Vinaka - Made during Through Our Lens Fiji
Indigiqueer Stories - Made during Through Our Lens Kahnawà:ke
Through Our Lens
12:00 PM, Friday 17 March
Memorial Hall
Maranga e te iwi! Through Our Lens Filmmaking Workshops have returned and will be screening at Māoriland Rangatahi Film Festival.
The Through Our Lens programme was interrupted due to the force of the pandemic, for the first time in 2 years we welcome rangatahi back into this space of connectivity. This year’s Through Our Lens programme features films made in workshops from Fiji and Kahnawà:ke.
Rangatahi filmmakers from Kahnawà:ke will join us in the whare this year for the international premiere of their films. Q+A session with the filmmakers will be held after screening.